Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mars & Venus: The Football Edition

Although my husband and I are both loyal and hardcore college football fans, our approach to fandom can often be miles apart.  If you think a guy isn't good at showing emotion, then you have obviously never been around him during a sporting event.  Men will cheer, cry, and cuss - all within the span of 3 hours.   The other day, my husband watched a replay of game that happened nine months ago. He was cussing and clapping at the TV!  This game has been decided . . . season over.  And, yes, our team lost the game.  It's a bizarre and amazing thing.  

Not that women can't be passionate about their sports.  But even though we might cry over a Sex & the City episode, we will rarely have a full meltdown over a bad play or a loss.  I think it's because women tend to be more sympathetic. We can't separate the young player from the botched play.  I like to think I'm sort of a "dude" when it comes to my personality:  not overtly sensitive, stoic, etc.  However, even I am befuddled by a male sports fan's behavior.  How many times have you said to your man:  "You know they can't hear you."  Screaming at the TV during a sporting event is apparently as natural to a man as shaving and scratching inappropriately.  Ladies on the other hand, try to be positive. We clap and scream "YEA!" when there's a good play; sit quietly and look dejected when there's a poor play.  Now, admittedly, I've thrown out the "WHAT?! THAT WASN'T INTERFERENCE!" on occasion.  But, a woman's intensity at a game rarely matches a man's.  Testosterone is a powerful thing.
Unfortunately, it's a cross we ladies must bear and learn to deal with as best we can.  The husband and I used to get into wicked "snits" at football games, especially when expletives start flying from his mouth.  So I am trying to learn how to not get all uptight over every negative thing that comes out of his mouth, and to keep my leg squeezing to call his attention to his behavior (you know you've done it too!) to a minimum.  For his part, he has tried to keep his bourbon drinking down prior to the game. Seriously, that stuff makes him weirdly aggressive.  Beer or wine, no problem.  A couple of Maker's and coke and, all of a sudden, it's "Knock his head off next time!"   I'd never ask him to give it up completely; it's gameday tradition after all!  Where's the fun in that? 

But sadly, I know some women who refuse to attend games solely due to this behavior. As in every aspect of a relationship, there must be compromise.  You're never going to make a man sit quietly or not want to watch every sports news show on TV.  Even I get bored with sports occasionally - wait, did I just say that?!  But, just like you've made him watch "The Notebook" or "Bridget Jones Diary", then return the favor.  Watch a 30 minute sports talk show or listen to one the radio on the way to the game.  As Dr. Suess said:  “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

Only 16 more days to kickoff!

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