Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Football Season & Weddings: Dumb, dumb, da-dumb!

Thinking of having your wedding on a football game weekend?  Well, my first response is "Don't do it, girl!"   Look, I get it.  Fall is beautiful and perfect for a wedding.  The air is crisp, and the leaves are changing.  It's magical.

But, it's also football season.  In the fall, Saturdays are sacred, especially in the South.  The nephew of a couple that we are friends with is getting married on the date of a big-time SEC conference game weekend.  Our couple friend loves sports like we do - they travel to away games, have a condo where they can spend ball game weekends, etc.  Needless to say, many of her tailgating friends gasped in horror when we heard this.  Bless her, the wife told the husband that he could pass on the wedding and go the game.  I'm pretty sure she's bitter that she has to stay for the wedding. What's even worse is that the bride-to-be could have chosen another open date at the church (for a non-game weekend), but said "no."  Not a good way to ingratiate yourself into your new family, if you ask me.  That's gonna make Thanksgiving a bit dicey, don't you think?  The nephew, if you're curious, didn't care so at least it won't make the honeymoon awkward.  If I had made my husband get married on an Ole Miss game weekend...well, the wedding might never have happened.  Seriously.

On the other end of the spectrum, another couple we know is attending a wedding in a month.  It's the weekend of an "away" game (although still a big game).  The reception site?  In the club section of our stadium! That is all kinds of awesome!  I would also wager that if the time of the game and wedding festivities overlap (since the gametime hasn't been announced yet), there will be televisions all over the place. Gold star to this couple!

Which leads me to my next point - if you feel that you must have your wedding during football season, have it on an "away game" or "off" weekend.  Or if that isn't feasible (I know that sometimes your perfect venue is only open certain times), then try to time your wedding for earlier in the day.  One friend got married at 10 a.m. and then had a brunch reception.  Seriously, have a make-your-own bloody mary or champagne bar, and your guests will be all set for tailgating and game time later in the day.  And you will be considered the coolest couple ever!

So what if you can't get around it?  Despite all your best intentions, your wedding overlaps with the big game.  Have access to televisions available (see above).  And incorporate a little tailgate action into the reception.  You don't have to have sports-themed cakes or walk down the aisle to the fight song (unless you want to of course - that would be awesome), but maybe have some sports-themed party favors (drink koozies or pom-poms that they can shake and cheer on your exit) or have tailgate-type food.  Or if you decide to really embrace it, have a tailgate reception!  Have catered tents set up on campus and move that party.  Get personalized cups, napkins - have fun with it!

Seriously, this couple went all out!  They even had jars filled with flowers that had the upcoming dates for games on them.  And the bride wore rain boots with the team logo on them.  That's hardcore! 

I know many brides have the "it's my day" mentality.  But a wedding symbolizes the creation of a "team" - you, your partner, and your respective families.  So if you are contemplating a wedding in the fall, respect the gameday traditions of those members of your team.

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